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- Toolkits
Festival City ADL – Climate Action Roadmap
The Festival City ADL (FCA) Leading Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Practice – Climate Action Roadmap articulates a...
- Single-use plastics
Heavyweight Plastic Bag Research Report (2023)
The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding of shopping bag usage...
- Circular economy
An investigation of European waste textiles sorting facilities and opportunities for South Australia
Post-consumer textile waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world, and...

- Waste and recycling
Adelaide Metro Kerbside Waste Performance Report 2021–22
This report presents data on kerbside waste and recycling collection services in South Australia provided...
- Waste and recycling
Circular Economy Resource Recovery Report (CERRR) 2021–22
The CERRR reports and summarises the quantities of resources diverted from waste in SA through...
- Circular economy
Circular economy in South Australia’s built environment – Action Plan (2023)
The purpose of this report is to summarise circular economy opportunities in the built environment...
- Corporate
Business Plan 2023–24
Green Industries SA is a leader in the circular economy through innovation, collaboration and excellence....
- Food waste and organics
- Local government
SA Better Practice Guide: Sustainable Kerbside Services
The SA Better Practice Guide: Sustainable Kerbside Services provides practical information and tools to SA...
- Waste and recycling
C&I waste audit of metropolitan South Australia: Public report (2022)
Green Industries SA appointed Rawtec to lead physical audits of Commercial and Industrial (C&I) waste...
- Local government
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Profiles for Selected South Australian Local Governments (2022)
Using 2021 calendar year data from 12 South Australian local governments (councils), this report benchmarks...