Knowledge base

Our Knowledge Base is constantly being updated. You can browse all items below or click a tab to view items related to that topic.
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  • Local government
  • Waste and recycling

Which Bin Market Research Summary (2020)

The research assesses GISA’s new Which Bin? campaign in terms of householder awareness, message outtake...

  • Single-use plastics

SUP Summary of submissions-Government response (2020)

The Turning the tide on single-use plastic products discussion paper (Turning the tide) was released...

  • Food waste and organics
  • Local government

Holdfast Bay Compostable Bag Trial-Project Report (2020)

The City of Holdfast Bay (CoHB), with funding from Green Industries SA (GISA), has piloted...

  • Waste and recycling

COAG Export Ban - Addendum (2020)

Recycling and resource recovery contribute significantly to employment and the South Australian economy. The history...

  • Corporate

Annual Report 2019-20

In 2019-20, we worked with 27 businesses to implement circular economy projects related to: resource...

  • Corporate

Business Plan 2019-20

Green Industries SA continues to evolve in response to economic, demographic, technological and environmental trends...

  • Waste and recycling

Recycling Activity in South Australia 2019-20

This resource recovery data describes the quantity of waste resources collected in SA over the...

  • Local government
  • Waste and recycling

SA Kerbside Waste Performance Report 2019-20

This report presents data on kerbside waste and recycling collection services in South Australia provided...

  • Single-use plastics

Turning the Tide on Single-use Plastics: NEXT STEPS (2019)

The government acknowledges that intervention on single-use plastic products requires consideration of any significant or...

  • Waste and recycling

Which Bin 2019 campaign evaluation (infographic)

What works to reduce kerbside recycling contamination in South Australia? This infographic provides a visual...
