Recycling signage

Consistent and clear signage is a key element for effective source separation of materials, and for minimising incorrect disposal and contamination. 

Clear and simple messaging is key

Combine the use of simple text and images. This ensures appropriate interpretation for people with English as a second language or low literacy skills. Signage should accurately reflect the waste and recycling collection services used at your site. Appropriate signage encourages source separation of materials suitable for recycling.

Prominent display

Ensure signage is displayed in a prominent position, preferably at eye level, and in close proximity to corresponding bins.


It is important that signage is consistent throughout your site/s and provides the same message.

If your waste is collected by local council via kerbside services, we suggest seeking signage aligned to WhichBin resources. This may be supplied by your local council, or through a conversation with us.

If you or your business have other waste collection services in place, check with your service provider about what signage and education resources they can provide. If they don’t have anything suitable, please use the form below to tell us about your experience and we’ll arrange time for a discussion. 

Green Industries SA has limited signage available for business use, which may be supplied after discussion once we have a good understanding of your needs and service provisions. Green Industries SA does not provide ready-made signage for download or printing.

Learn more about waste and recycling management for South Australian businesses.

Waste and recycling colour standards

Signage should align with the Australian Standard colouring AS4123.7-2006, Section 3.2: Waste and recycling bin colour standards, as listed below. 

The use of standard bin-lid colours helps improve sorting efforts through consistent education across our state and Australia. 

Type of material
Bin lid colour
Food/garden organicsGreen
Comingled recyclables Yellow
General wasteRed
Office paperBlue
10c containersWhite
Soft plasticsOrange

Source: Australian Standard 4123.7-2006
*Appropriate hazard warnings shall be affixed. 

Other items that can be sorted and collected include: 

  • printer/toner cartridges
  • batteries
  • electronic waste
  • fluorescent lights
  • hard waste recycling or donations.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss your options.