Regional circular economy opportunities

South Australia’s transition to a circular economy unlocks more sustainable business opportunities and increases profit by keeping our limited resources in circulation for as long as possible in order to extract the maximum value from them, and to avoid waste. Keeping resources in use reduces emissions and minimises our impact on our environment. 

GISA has worked closely with Regional Development Australia in the Limestone Coast (RDALC) and Murraylands and Riverland (RDAMR) to develop 2 ‘Circular Economy Opportunities’ reports for these regions.

These reports are the first of their kind in Australia, outlining the economic development opportunities for these 2 regions to maximise and retain value locally, increase resilience and business sustainability while building upon the natural environmental capital that the regions are known for. 

Circular Economy Opportunities – Limestone Coast

Download the report

Circular Economy Opportunities – Murraylands and Riverland

Download the report

This pioneering piece of work with 2 ambitious and forward-thinking RDAs has identified the major regional circular economy opportunities through a rigorous process of:

  1. Resource and Economic Flow Mapping 
  2. Understand Regional Priorities 
  3. Identify Priority Sectors 
  4. Identify and Map Circular Economy Opportunities
  5. Impact Quantification of Opportunities and Shortlisting
  6. Develop Sector Action Plans for Regional Opportunity Reports

For more information about this work please contact