Green Economy Catalysts

Green Industries SA is committed to strengthening South Australian industry in the transition to a Green Economy, responding to the challenges and opportunities of Net Zero goals, capitalising on our renewable energy and circular economy leadership, our state’s smart skills and our liveability. 

The Green Economy Catalysts Program brings global thought leaders to Adelaide to engage with industry sectors, government and the community, to support SA’s transition to a circular economy and take advantage of the economic growth opportunities from being a leader in green economy and climate action.

Dr Katherine Trebeck – September 2023
Where circular meets wellbeing

‘The wellbeing economy agenda is about constructing the economy so it delivers human and ecological wellbeing, rather than generating harm that necessitates ameliorative and corrective action (‘failure demand’)' – Katherine Trebeck 

Dr Katherine Trebeck (AUS) is a political economist and leading global expert on the economics of wellbeing, who has extensive global experience, including co-founding the Wellbeing Economy Alliance in Europe, and instigating the group of Wellbeing Economy Governments, comprising Scotland, New Zealand, Finland, Wales, Iceland, and Canada. 

One expression of circular economy is ‘doughnut economics’, where the safe operating space for humanity is to remain within environmental ‘ceilings’ including carbon, energy, and materials, but also where no one falls through the social ‘floor’. Trebeck’s work is located within that ring of the doughnut, and she offered valuable insights into how an economics of wellbeing can help support delivery of multiple policy goals for governments, and how it can enable business to meet its environmental and social objectives and be a business of choice for both customers and employees.

Trebeck presented to several groups from government and industry, and participated in a women in economics conversation and networking session, as well as a workshop on the South Australian Economic Statement. 

Trebeck also delivered a public lecture hosted by the Stretton Institute, University of Adelaide, in partnership with the Centre for Health in All Policies Research Translation. Watch the lecture below:

The Wellbeing Economy: Re-imagining the Role of Economics in Society to Create a Healthier, Sustainable and Fairer Future 

More information

Wellbeing Economy Policy Design Guide

This guide has been co-created by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance to support visionary policy makers, to build more just and sustainable economies for people and planet.

Wellbeing Economy Alliance Policymakers Network

This network supports visionary policymakers around the world who are interested in learning more about how to develop and champion Wellbeing Economy policies.

Michael Shuman – May 2023
Where circular meets local

Michael Shuman (USA), a leading global expert on local economics, presented to state government policymakers on how economic localisation can be the engine of prosperity, meaningful work, circularity and social inclusion. Shuman also met with social enterprise sector leaders, philanthropic sector leaders, economic development professionals from local government, local government authorities, and the business community. 

Read an excerpt of Shuman's visit report.

Reworking our take-make-waste linear economy and turning it into a circle means keeping materials in circulation longer, and designing out waste. As we aim to address intertwined social and environmental challenges, this transition also has to be inclusive with respect to the relationship of the circular economy to work, jobs, value and wealth.

Shuman describes his approach to economic development as one which ‘emphasises locally owned business, community self-reliance, high labour and environmental standards, and self-financing economic-development programs. This approach includes:

  • maximising local ownership
  • increasing the diversity of businesses to achieve a greater multiplier effect
  • creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem by adopting a ‘local-first’ approach
  • facilitating a local investment ecosystem to mindfully connect businesses with investors.

Shuman also delivered a national online presentation with the Committee for Economic Development Australia and an in-person session with the Economic Development Association South Australian branch. Watch the presentation below: 

Professor Göran Roos – May 2022
Where circular meets industry

Professor Göran Roos (SWE) is recognised as a world expert in the thinking and practice of strategy and innovation management, as well as industrial and innovation policy for advanced manufacturing and the green economy.

Roos presented to state government policymakers and executives, and led a workshop around the key concepts and strategies for a Green Economy transition in South Australia, at the industry and business level.

He also delivered a public lecture, exploring an economic framing for South Australian action in the Green Economy. Watch the lecture:

Acknowled­gement of Country

Green Industries SA acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians whose ancestral lands we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. 

We acknowledge and respect their deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people have to Country.

We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their nations in South Australia and across Australia.