$111m boost for new recycling infrastructure for SA

$111m boost for new recycling infrastructure for SA

  • Funding
  • May 18, 2021

South Australia’s recycling industry will receive its biggest ever investment with eight new projects worth $111 million announced today to build and modernise key recycling infrastructure.

In the last 12 months we’ve seen how quickly global supply chains can become disrupted and Australia needs to future proof itself now so it makes sense to retain, recover and recycle resources to keep the embodied energy in flow and recirculating in a circular economy Export bans on waste like glass and plastic mean Australia needs to seek solutions and innovate locally. These 8 new projects will see South Australia's improved recycling infrastructure fully operational by July 2024, the deadline for  export bans on unprocessed waste material like used tyres, glass, plastic and paper and cardboard.

Projects funded as part of a $35.3 million dollar partnership between the state and Australian Government: 

  • $7,920,000 for the Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority in Edinburgh North for a Paper and cardboard beneficiation plant that will be able to process more than 40,000 tonnes of fibre from paper and cardboard a year. (Total project value: $12,000,000)
  • $8,000,000 for Orora Group in Kingsford (near Gawler) to establish a glass ‘beneficiation’ plant to recycle and produce high quality glass containers like wine bottles. (Total project value: $18,816,000)
  • $1,222,000 for Advanced Plastics Recycling in Edinburgh to increase the manufacturing capacity of recycling common waste plastic into products into durable materials like long-life decking, bollards and outdoor furniture. (Total project value: $4,125,000)
  • $8,888,000 for Recycling Plastics Australia to improve their site and equipment at Kilburn to maximise mixed plastics sorting, grinding, washing and pelletising. (Total project value: $25,000,000)
  • $3,140,000 for the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority to equip a state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility equipment at Seaford Heights to process kerbside recyclables from households in Adelaide’s Southern councils. (Total project value: $24,378,083)
  • $4,110,000 for the Central Adelaide Waste and Recycling Authority in Kilburn to equip a state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility to process kerbside recyclables from households in Adelaide’s central metropolitan councils. (Total project value: $23,199,551)
  • $1,078,000 for ResourceCo in Wingfield to build a plant to recover and produce glass ‘fines’ used in the building industry. (Total project value: $1,838,774)
  • $962,000 for TyreCycle to improve their tyre recycling plant in Lonsdale to deliver export quality products that comply with waste export bans on unprocessed tyres coming into effect in December this year. (Total project value: $1,624,000)