South Australia's Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (2018)

South Australia's Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (2018)
  • Waste and recycling

South Australia's Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (2018)

Green Industries SA’s vision is for South Australia to be internationally recognised as a leader in green industry development, the Circular Economy and recycling and resource recovery. Green Industries SA helps to develop the green economy and champions the efficient use of resources and the conservation and recovery of scarce materials. It promotes waste management practices that eliminate waste to landfill, and promotes innovation and business activity in the waste management, resource recovery and green industry sectors, recognising that these areas present a valuable opportunity to contribute to the State’s economic growth. 

The Review of South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015 identified waste and resource recovery infrastructure planning and investment as a critical requirement to support industry development and economic growth in the State and maintain the State’s world class recycling performance. South Australia’s Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SAWRRIP) has been developed to  provide a clear guide for future waste and resource recovery infrastructure needs across the State  In doing so, support a resource efficient economy in South Australia  This is the first time such a plan has been prepared for South Australia and its regions. SAWRRIP  presents the best available information and data to project future waste flows and maps existing waste and resource recovery infrastructure by major types,identifies potential future infrastructure needs, investment opportunities, and the associated risks.

Related Document: 2020 Addendum COAG Export Ban, SA Discussion Paper 
